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The regular neuter nouns in Slovenian (ending with an -o or -e) have the ending –i in dual and –a in plural. For example okno–okni–okna (window).

They are declined as follows:

  1. okno
  2. okna
  3. oknu
  4. okno
  5. o oknu
  6. z oknom

But some neuter nouns have a prolonged ending in dual and plural, and when we decline them. Here are some examples.

Prolonging the neuter nouns in dual and plural with the letter S:

  • drevo–drevesi–drevesa (tree)
  • kolo–kolesi–kolesa (bicycle)
  • telo–telesi–telesa (body)
  • uho–ušesi–ušesa (ear)

When we decline those nouns, we also prolong the endings with an s.

  1. kolo
  2. kolesa
  3. kolesu
  4. kolo
  5. o kolesu
  6. s kolesom

Prolonging the neuter nouns in dual and plural with the letter N:

  • seme–semeni–semena (seed)
  • ime–imeni–imena (name)
  • vreme (the weather) – only singular!

And declension:

  1. ime
  2. imena
  3. imenu
  4. ime
  5. o imenu
  6. z imenom

Prolonging the neuter nouns in dual and plural with the letter T:

  • dekle–dekleti–dekleta (girl)
  • tele–teleti–teleta (calf)


  1. dekle
  2. dekleta
  3. dekletu
  4. dekle
  5. o dekletu
  6. z dekletom

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